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Monday, August 23, 2010

I Remember

My mom is an incredible blessing in my life. She is the definition of a mother. Our experience may have been different than some, simular to most - That is the struggle that occurs within a mother's heart when she must let her child go and the struggle in the child's heart when they realize their time of youth is over and an unfamiliar world awaits. Some run into that challenge head on and some struggle to make that start...but thank God - thank God for a mother's heart!

~ I Remember ~

My first memory of you…
I can remember lying against your chest
You rocked me and you held me
As I watched daddy..
Standing in the bathroom surrounded by the steam,
That would allow me to breathe again

I remember running to the church after school
It was time for my Brownie’s meeting!
But as I approached and saw you,
I could barely breathe
The asthma had come again..

But your hands..
Such a gentle touch that only you possessed,
You held me close and rubbed my back
Until I could breath and I could rest

Throughout all of my younger years
You always took care of me
Through asthma, allergies and fits of temper
You provided me with your love, attention and entertainment

Oh how I loved your stories at night!
You would sing to me, “There Was A Little Black Bug”
And tell me stories about “Wee Meg Barnaleg”
So often that I knew if you changed even one word
Or tickled my back the wrong way

I remember laughing fits so hard
As I inched my finger towards your side…to try and tickle you!
You would say, “Rebecca Jane! You better not!”
I would laugh without control and poke you with my finger,
Knowing that I would soon be pinned down and tickled until I couldn’t stand it anymore!

I remember you drag racing Mark Tate
Right down Green Springs Highway.
I thought you were SO COOL!!!!

I remember when you hit the policeman…
While he was sitting on his motorcycle at that red light!
... “I remember you said all those neat words”
I remember when I had my head out the back window of that big green Oldsmobile,
And you accidentally strangled me with the power window…

I remember in Jr. High School
When I saw you pull in front to pick me up
In that HORRIBLE Opel!
Dressed in a witches’ costume, beeping the horn madly
“I thought I would JUST DIE!!”

I also remember when you were with my friends
And you announced that the “G-Bees” were coming to town
I thought, “ Oh shoot me now!!”
Because everyone knew they were the BG’s
Oh… I thought you were SO SQUARE!!

I remember
As I drifted into addiction,
You were mostly very sad…
And I hated that

I remember when you were in the hospital,
You were so sick
I remember not being there for you
As you had been for me…so many times

I remember after all the anger I directed at you,
As I crashed into collapse…
It was your hand that led me,
Your arms that held me,
And your love that encouraged me

You never ceased in your love
Your constant available presence,
Always there…

It is only with age and God’s merciful grace
That I have continued to grow in an awesome awareness
Of what a genuinely wonderful person you are
And how very blessed I am ~ to call you mother

I pray that your loving nature,
Will be with me to endlessly share with the two little blessings
That God has now given to me.

I love you mama,
With all of my heart….
I love you!!